
My name is Chris, and I'm a Fat Guy. It wasn't something I planned, or enjoy. The only benefit I've found to being as large as a Third Stage Guild Navigator is that I'm less likely to blow away in a storm, and in an emergancy I can throw myself against doors and they always open. Walls too, sometimes.

But, even though this world is designed for skinny little people, and even though I work every day to lose weight despite a variety of factors, I still have a right to exist in relative comfort. I may be able to lose the combined weight of my wife and kids and still be a bit chunky, but I also have something to say. And a lot of that is what I've learned being a ginormous person in a world made by people who don't even understand how you can chafe just standing still. And here is where I'll share.

If you're just interested in something random and potentially witty, I have a place for that too.

If you'd like me to review your product or service, just drop me an email and I'll take a look. I can't promise I'll do it, or that I'll like it, but I'll do my best. And I'll be disclosing whenever a review has been suggested, endorsed, or otherwise influenced.

Thursday, February 11, 2010 Star Trek Online

Ok, this isn't strictly a weight or size related thing, aside from the unusually large number of large-sized fans that show up at Star Trek conventions.  And I'm big into online games, so I thought I'd give those interested a review.

Star Trek Online, by the folks who make Champions Online, is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) set in the Star Trek universe, sometime after the Next Generation movies, and incorporating the recent Star Trek movie into it as well.  It's the first MMORPG, as far as I know, that has both ground action and space action at the time of release.  You start out as a Federation ensign, and quickly come to be in charge of your own light cruiser due to the war between the Federation and, well, just about everyone. 

I wasn't sure I wanted to try this one at first.  Most of the Star Trek games have been pretty lame, with the exception of the paper and pencil Star Fleet Battles.  I was pleasantly surprised.  The graphics are excellent and the gameplay is entertaining.  You get to do a variety of tasks, from exploration to combat, and the mix is pretty good.  The big hurdle is whether or not Cryptic Studios can keep the content fresh and engaging.  They did well when they were running City of Heroes, so I'm hoping they'll stay the course.

Product Description (from Amazon):

Escape to the immersive multiplayer Star Trek universe in Star Trek Online. Captain your own customized ship, forge your allegiance and wage battle with your own customized crew ‐ across strange new worlds and into the deepest reaches of the final frontier. Set 30 years after Star Trek Nemesis, the universe is a much more dangerous place. The Klingons and Federation are on the verge of all out war.

Every player will begin the game as “captain” of a starship. You are the pilot in space, and the hero on the away team. Build your bridge crew from recruited and created characters. Define abilities and personalities to determine the tactics and strengths of your party. Build reputation and influence as you grow from a lieutenant to an admiral of Starfleet! Higher rank enables more powerful ships, a larger crew and new abilities.
Navigate your starship through the known and unknown regions of the galaxy. Explore undiscovered regions of space, full of solar phenomena, strange alien planets and bizarre species. Discover strange new worlds, and beam down with your away teams to alien planets. Your bridge officers will affect your space and planetside game – your science officer may increase ship speed in space, and be a great diplomat on the surface.
Become an officer in the Klingon Military or the Federation's Starfleet and adventure in the future of the Star Trek Universe. Interact with classic locations of Trek history –from the wormhole of Deep Space Nine to the Guardian at the End of the Universe. Recruit or battle heroes from classic star trek species – logical Vulcans, diabolical Romulans, shifty Ferengi and many more!
Command a Klingon or Federation ship across a limitless galaxy. Discover, explore and develop your crew in an endless range of encounters. Randomly generated quadrants give players unlimited opportunities (In addition to “established” systems).

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