
My name is Chris, and I'm a Fat Guy. It wasn't something I planned, or enjoy. The only benefit I've found to being as large as a Third Stage Guild Navigator is that I'm less likely to blow away in a storm, and in an emergancy I can throw myself against doors and they always open. Walls too, sometimes.

But, even though this world is designed for skinny little people, and even though I work every day to lose weight despite a variety of factors, I still have a right to exist in relative comfort. I may be able to lose the combined weight of my wife and kids and still be a bit chunky, but I also have something to say. And a lot of that is what I've learned being a ginormous person in a world made by people who don't even understand how you can chafe just standing still. And here is where I'll share.

If you're just interested in something random and potentially witty, I have a place for that too.

If you'd like me to review your product or service, just drop me an email and I'll take a look. I can't promise I'll do it, or that I'll like it, but I'll do my best. And I'll be disclosing whenever a review has been suggested, endorsed, or otherwise influenced.

Friday, January 15, 2010

...To Where to Buy Clothes

1Those of you within the size range that most airlines think people fit into (with 18 inch shoulders), aren't going to understand how difficult it is for big folks to find clothes.  And believe it or not, showing up at a job interview with your shower curtain stitched into a pair of pants doesn't play out well for anyone.  Most stores in the area consider "Large" as big enough.  I haven't fit into a large since I was in elementary school, and I didn't even get really heavy until I got married.

So here are my top three sources of ginormous clothing.

  1. JCPenny - They have a good selection online, a small selection at most of their stores, and reasonable prices.
  2. Casual Male XL - Good selection, although sometimes a bit pricey.  Not the somewhat queer looking stuff they sell for sexy pirates, but normal (read: straight) clothes for big guys.  And a few things like chairs that can hold a battleship.
  3. Amazon - Although you have to hunt around sometimes, there's certainly a lot of choices.

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