
My name is Chris, and I'm a Fat Guy. It wasn't something I planned, or enjoy. The only benefit I've found to being as large as a Third Stage Guild Navigator is that I'm less likely to blow away in a storm, and in an emergancy I can throw myself against doors and they always open. Walls too, sometimes.

But, even though this world is designed for skinny little people, and even though I work every day to lose weight despite a variety of factors, I still have a right to exist in relative comfort. I may be able to lose the combined weight of my wife and kids and still be a bit chunky, but I also have something to say. And a lot of that is what I've learned being a ginormous person in a world made by people who don't even understand how you can chafe just standing still. And here is where I'll share.

If you're just interested in something random and potentially witty, I have a place for that too.

If you'd like me to review your product or service, just drop me an email and I'll take a look. I can't promise I'll do it, or that I'll like it, but I'll do my best. And I'll be disclosing whenever a review has been suggested, endorsed, or otherwise influenced.

Monday, February 15, 2010 Wii Active

EA Sports Active is a game for the Wii aimed at giving Huts like myself some exercise.  It's a good idea, but not quite there.  It works with the Wii Fit's Balance Board, but the Balance Board has a 330 pound limit, so if you weigh over that, you can't use it.  Thank God no one in the history of man has ever weighed over 33o pounds.

Stupid Japanese.

Anyway, some of the games are mildly entertaining, but if you have Wii Sports you've probably got better versions of them.  They try to create a running monitor, but I had trouble keeping the thing on and running at the same time.  I'd say it's a buy if you find it in th bargain bin, but not at full price.

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